

在App Store 上的「適用於Bixby for Family Hub 的應用」

2023年5月27日 — App for Bixby for Family Hub is a world of art breakthrough for your phones that offers users unexpectedly amazing experience.

Bixby Voice for Android

Bixby Voice is the app you need on your Samsung smartphone if you want to use Bixby voice assistant on certain smartphones from this Korean brand.

【教學】將三星Bixby 按鍵更改成你想要的快捷鍵(共25 種自訂 ...

APP 名稱直接翻譯就是「Bixby 動作」,完全符合它的意義,因為它能夠支援高達25 種自定義功能,簡單設定幾步驟,就能將這顆Bixby 快捷鍵收為己有,一按啟動你想要的功能。

Bixby voice commands (guides)

Bixby app helps you with many task like reading email, setting alarm, calling a contact etc. It can even help you in finding a place by navigation and searching ...

Commands & Guide for Bixby

You can set alarms, manage your schedule, mange an app and many more with this virtual assistant. This app includes: # How to setup Bixby on your Samsung phone.


You can use various features of the Galaxy Book with voice commands using Bixby. - You can run apps on your PC using Voice wake-up.


Get the most out of Bixby. Conveniently control all of your Galaxy devices such as Phone, Tab, Watch, Buds, Book and many more, with Bixby. *To control Galaxy ...


使用Bixby 即可輕鬆掌控你的手機、Tab、Watch、Buds、Book 等所有Galaxy 裝置。 * 若要透過Bixby 控制Galaxy Watch 或Buds,請從你的智慧手機上連至Galaxy 穿戴式應用 ...